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About the name Quikscript

The definitive document of this alphabet is Quikscript: its Alphabet and Manual or the Quikscript Manual for short. Internally, this text actually refers to the alphabet as Quickscript (with a c in “quick”) consistently. The front cover omits this extra c, however, and this is the spelling most commonly used on the internet.

It has also been called the Second Shaw Alphabet by Cole Turnley in Cole’s Funny Picture Book No. 2, and the Read Alphabet on the Read Alphabet Yahoo! Group.

Summary of letter names

This is not a comprehensive list of names that have been applied to Quikscript letters over the years—in fact, a different set of names is used almost every time the alphabet is mentioned in print or on the web. These names are merely those that have authority behind them or were used in significant publications. They are listed in Quikscript alphabetical order; note that Shavian and Readspel have different ordering.

The columns of the table below derive from the following sources:

Quikscript Shavian Read­spel
Read Turnley Zuck
1 Pea Pee Pipe Peep Pip
2 Bay Bee Bob Bib Be
3 Tea Tee Tut Tot To
4 Day Did Deed Dead Do
5 Key Kay Kick Kick Can
6 Gay Gay Gig Gag Go
7 Thaw Ith Thoth Thigh Think
8 They Thee Thither They The
9 Fee Ef Fife Fee For
10 Vie Vee Valve Vow Vixen
11 See Ess Sis So So
12 Zoo Ez Zoos Zoo Zoo
13 She Ish Shush Sure Show
14 J’ai Jai Zhivago Measure Vision
15 Cheer Chay Church Church Cheer
16 Jay Jay Judge Judge Just
17 Ye Yay Yo-yo Yea Young
18 Way Way Win-win Woe Woe
19 He Hay Ha-ha Ha-ha Have
20 Why White­wheat What
21 -ing Ing Inkling Hung Hung
22 May Em Mime Mime Me
23 No En Nun Nun Nun
24 Low El Loll Loll Let
25 Roe Ray Roar Roar Roll
26 It It If If Inky
27 Eat Een Eat Eat Eat
28 Et Et Ed Egg Ever
29 Eight Ain Age Age Able
30 At At Ash Ash As
31 I Ide Ice Ice Ibex
32 Ah Ahd Ah Ah Alms
33 Awe Aud Awl Awe All
34 Ox Og On On On
35 Oy Oin Oil Oil Oil
36 Utter Nul Ado Ado Ago
37 Out Oun Out Out Owl
38 Owe Ode Oak Oak Open
39 Foot Oot Wool Wool Pull
40 Ooze Ood Ooze Ooze Ooze
411 Loch1 Loch Loch, Bwlch2
421 Llan1 Llan Llan2
431 Excite1 Axe
441 Examine1 Exam


  1. The letters     were not numbered in the Manual. These are the numbers commonly accepted in the community, given according to the order in which they appeared.
  2. Shavian equivalents of and were listed as part of Read’s final submission to the Public Trustee, as shown in Part 2 of Leo Philp’s Shavian series. These letters were apparently never mentioned in any publication, leaving them obscure today (and unsupported by Unicode).