  

Character encodings

Early Quikscript fonts placed the letters in positions that would have ordinarily been occupied by Latin letters. This eliminated the need to meddle with the computer’s default key mapping, as their encodings effectively doubled as keyboard layouts. Some fonts also allocated codepoints to ligatures, halved and other alternative forms of letters, but these are not listed here.

Second Shaw Jerome Beta1 Jerome2 QS‑SAMPA3 Thoth Int Quickscript Suave Unicode PUA4
p p p p p p p U+E650
b b b b b b b U+E651
t t t t t t t U+E652
d d d d d d d U+E653
k k k k k k k U+E654
g g g g g g g U+E655
Y T T T T H T U+E656
T H H D D T D U+E657
f f f f f f f U+E658
v v v v v v v U+E659
s s s s s s s U+E65A
z z z z z z z U+E65B
S S S S S S S U+E65C
J Z Z Z Z Z Z U+E65D
c c c c C J c U+E65E
j J J J j j j U+E65F
y j j j y y y U+E660
w w w w w w w U+E661
h h h h h h h U+E662
N/A B ` W P W W U+E663
N N N N N N G U+E664
m m m m m m m U+E665
n n n n n n n U+E666
l l l l l l l U+E667
r r r r r r r U+E668
I i i I i i i U+E670
e I I i E E I U+E671
E e e E e e e U+E672
a E E e A A E U+E673
A A A a a a A U+E674
i F F Y I I F U+E675
Z y y A R q x U+E676
W Y Y O Q Q | U+E677
O o o Q o o O U+E678
M q q R Y C q U+E679
G a a y u u a U+E67A
L Q Q H W c Q U+E67B
o O O o O O o U+E67C
U U U U V Y u U+E67D
H M M u U U U U+E67E
N/A ~ ç x K N/A â U+E669
N/A ` æ K L N/A à U+E66A
N/A N/A è X X N/A ä U+E66B
N/A N/A é G x N/A ã U+E66C
· N/A / / · ` ~ / ·
( ( ( ( ( ( ( U+E66E
) ) ) ) ) ) ) U+E66F

N/A = not applicable.


  1. The Jerome Beta and Jerome encodings were based on the encoding developed by the internet Shavian community, with additional allocations for those letters unique to Quikscript. This explains the inclusion of Shavian-style ligatures in some fonts (not listed here).
  2. The Jerome encoding was used by Kingsley, King Plus and King Plus Monospace with modifications: the letters     have the same codepoints as the Suave encoding.
  3. QS‑SAMPA was based on X-SAMPA, an ASCII-compatible representation of the International Phonetic Alphabet, with some alterations for more convenient typing. Letters without an IPA equivalent appear to have been assigned arbitrarily.
  4. The table entries here are not keystrokes, but codepoints given in the form U+X, where X is a hexadecimal number. The Unicode codepoint for the Latin capital letter A, for example, is U+0041. This community PUA encoding should be used for all new fonts, and may be typed with one of the keyboard entry methods described on the Keyboard layouts page.

How to type the “off-the-keyboard” characters

On Windows, use the numeric keypad (with Num Lock on) to type the codes whilst holding the Alt key:

Windows macOS
ç Alt+0231 Option+C
æ Alt+0230 Option+'
è Alt+0232 Option+`, E
é Alt+0233 Option+E, E
â Alt+0226 Option+I, A
à Alt+0224 Option+`, A
ä Alt+0228 Option+U, A
ã Alt+0227 Option+N, A
· Alt+0183 Option+Shift+9